
Sospechosos Habituales

God sHave the Queen!

Hace mucho tiempo en la inhóspita blogosfera una panda de frikis creó Sospechosos Habituales. Desde aquel fatídico día nadie está libre de sospecha. No trates de disimular, si vienes mucho por aquí tu también serás un... Sospechoso Habitual

Haciendo el Friki con el Messenger

Hoy ZonerZ (un saludo!) me ha "obligado" ha hacer una de las cosas más frikis que he hecho en mi vida: Hablar con una enciclopedia Encarta a través del Messenger.

Si, como lo leéis, he hablado con un bot* de la Enciclopedia Encarta de Microsoft a través del Messenger (de hecho lo tengo agregado). El programa en cuestión está alojado en un ordenador de la sede de Redmon de Microsoft y básicamente sirve para promocionar el servicio Encarta Online. La gracia del bicho reside en que le puedes preguntar cualquier cosa y te va respondiendo. Si se trata de información gráfica (puedes pedir mapas, etc...) te propone abrir una sesión de Encarta vía Messenger y te lo enseña por ahí.

Resulta gracioso hacer preguntas raras y como bot no está del todo mal.

Resumiendo es util si no quieres estar cada dos por tres entrando en Wikipedia o si te aburres y quieres hablar con algo (?). También tiene utilidades de calculadora.

Si queréis probar vosotros mismos tan solo tenéis que agregar encarta@conversagent.com a vuestro programa de mensagería (solamente lo he probado en el Messenger) y a disfrutar!

Aquí os dejo parte de mis conversaciones:

Papá Oso dice:
My name is Papá Oso
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Would you like me to call you Papa Oso?
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
OK, I'll remember that your name is Papa Oso.
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Hello again, Papa Oso.

Want to chat? Please type a request.
Papá Oso dice:
do you speak spanish?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Puedo hablar un poquito de español.
Papá Oso dice:
the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:

Why don't you ask me something that's actually in Encarta? I am very good at math. If you have trouble with quadratic equations, I can help you with them. Type "solve x^2+3x=10" and I'll show you how to do it.
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Equation Solver:

Let's solve the quadratic equation:
x^2+x = 0
First we need to put the equation in the form:
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
For this, we arrange the terms from the highest exponent to the lowest:
x^2+x = 0
We have:
a=1 b=1 c=0
We can now apply the quadratic formula:
x = ( -b ± √(b²-4ac) ) / 2a
We find two solutions:
x=0 or x=-1
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I can help you with calculations, and even solve some equations for you.
Here are some things you can ask me:
- What is the cubic root of 8?
- Solve 2x^2 + 2 = 2
Papá Oso dice:
show me where are you
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I live in Silicon Valley, California.
Papá Oso dice:
What do you think about Microsoft?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I like it.
Papá Oso dice:
do you like Linux?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I don't know how I feel about Linux, actually.
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Apple: Apple, common name for certain related trees of the rose family, and for the pome fruit of the trees. The apple tree, a deciduous plant, grows mainly....
Papá Oso dice:
how is the weather in Barcelona?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Sorry Papa Oso, I'm an Encyclopedia, I don't do the weather .

Ask me "Where is Barcelona, Spain?" and I'll show it to you on a map.
Papá Oso dice:
show me a Barcelona's map
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Barcelona, city, northeastern Spain, capital of Barcelona Province and the autonomous region of Catalonia, a seaport on the Mediterranean Sea between....
Let me take you to a map of Barcelona, Spain. =>
Papá Oso dice:
what are you?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Did you mean:

1 What is Encarta® Instant Answers?
2 What is Microsoft?
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I'm Encarta® Instant Answers. I'm a smart computer that can bring you Encarta answers directly in this IM window.

You can type "?" for a list of questions I can answer.
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Microsoft Corporation is the largest company in the world dedicated to creating computer software.
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
Papá Oso dice:
no, thanks
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
You're welcome.
Papá Oso dice:
are you a virus?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
No. I am not a virus, I am not spyware, and I am totally harmless for you to interact with. For more information about interactive agents like me, visit Conversagent, Inc. Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Here are some of the questions you can ask me:

* Show me the flag of Italy.
* When was Nelson Mandela born?
* How many calories are there in an orange?
Papá Oso dice:
when was the pope born?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Benedict XVI was born in 1927.
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
Papá Oso dice:
what is Coca-Cola?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Coke (beverage): The Coca-Cola Company, beverage company and the world leader in soft drink sales. Coca-Cola produces and distributes several brands in the United....
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
Papá Oso dice:
who was Escher?
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Escher, M(aurits) C(ornelis) (1898-1972), Dutch graphic artist, who is noted for his distinctive prints depicting intricate interlocking patterns....
I can't show you the results since you don't have the Encarta application open. Type "Invite me" to open it.
Papá Oso dice:
I want to learn programming
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
I will not.
Papá Oso dice:
Encarta® Instant Answers dice:
Goodbye, Papa Oso.

*Un bot es un programa con el que puedes mantener una conversación. La idea está sacada del famoso Test de Turing.

Categorías: tag1 tag6 tag7 tag8

Sospechoso: Carlos Luna (Denúnciame)

Fichado el día 11 diciembre 2005 a las: 12:55

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